30 research outputs found

    Enhancing declarative process models with DMN decision logic

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    Modeling dynamic, human-centric, non-standardized and knowledge-intensive business processes with imperative process modeling approaches is very challenging. Declarative process modeling approaches are more appropriate for these processes, as they offer the run-time flexibility typically required in these cases. However, by means of a realistic healthcare process that falls in the aforementioned category, we demonstrate in this paper that current declarative approaches do not incorporate all the details needed. More specifically, they lack a way to model decision logic, which is important when attempting to fully capture these processes. We propose a new declarative language, Declare-R-DMN, which combines the declarative process modeling language Declare-R with the newly adopted OMG standard Decision Model and Notation. Aside from supporting the functionality of both languages, Declare-R-DMN also creates bridges between them. We will show that using this language results in process models that encapsulate much more knowledge, while still offering the same flexibility

    Clinical Processes - The Killer Application for Constraint-Based Process Interactions?

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    For more than a decade, the interest in aligning information systems in a process-oriented way has been increasing. To enable operational support for business processes, the latter are usually specified in an imperative way. The resulting process models, however, tend to be too rigid to meet the flexibility demands of the actors involved. Declarative process modeling languages, in turn, provide a promising alternative in scenarios in which a high level of flexibility is demanded. In the scientific literature, declarative languages have been used for modeling rather simple processes or synthetic examples. However, to the best of our knowledge, they have not been used to model complex, real-world scenarios that comprise constraints going beyond control-flow. In this paper, we propose the use of a declarative language for modeling a sophisticated healthcare process scenario from the real world. The scenario is subject to complex temporal constraints and entails the need for coordinating the constraint-based interactions among the processes related to a patient treatment process. As demonstrated in this work, the selected real process scenario can be suitably modeled through a declarative approach.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED


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    Currently, Clostridium difficile is the main reason of a nosocomial diarrhea, caused by uncontrolled antibacterial treatment. This problem is not paid, enough attention in our country. We analyzed. 536 cases of antibiotic associated infections using new immunochromotographical assay for express detection of Clostridium difficile. Since 2008 to 2011 evaluated rate of the positive tests was 28,7 % among the hospital patients. The first line therapy of this infection is vancomycine and metronidazole. We also observed increased incidence of mycosis, which accompanying the antibiotic associated diarrheas. During the same period the rate of Candida spp. infection was 50,8 % among the same patients. We used fluconazole and. amphotericine for the mycosis treatment. We also recommended to manage disbiosis during one year after discontinue of the treatment, and. we supposed reasonable to be managed by infectionist for this group of patients

    BPR best practices for the healthcare domain

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    Healthcare providers are under pressure to work more efficiently and in a more patient-focused way. One possible way to achieve this is to launch Business Process Redesign (BPR) initiatives, which focus on changing the structure of the involved processes and using IT as an enabler for such changes. In this paper, we argue that a list of historically successful improvement tactics, the BPR best practices, are a highly suitable ingredient for such efforts in the healthcare domain. Our assessment is based on the analysis of 14 case studies. The insights obtained by the analysis also led to an extension of the original set of best practices

    Прижизненное неразрушающее определение площади листьев у растений огурца для массового анализа

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    Relevance. A mathematical model of the distribution of the leaf area of a cucumber plant has been developed. On this basis, it is possible to determine the area of the leaf surface of the plant without removing them from the plants. By measuring the minimum number of parameters: the length and width of the largest leaf and the number of leaves on the plant.Methods. We determined the area by two methods: using scales and by scanning the leaves in black-and-white image mode. We present here a step-by-step instruction on determining the area of the sheet in both cases: by weighing and by using graphic editor (program) for his scan file. The accuracy of determining the area is ± 2%.Results. We have developed and practically tested a system for mass determination of the area of cucumber leaves. It includes the development of a mathematical model of the distribution of leaf area by plants at the time of accounting. For practical use of the obtained formulas, it is enough to measure only three parameters on each plant: the number of leaves, the length and width of the largest typical leaf. A typicality criterion based on the ratio of the length and width of the sheet was proposed. The model coincides with the actual plant area with a typical distribution of ±5%. This allows two people to account for up to 500 plants in one working day. The proportion of plants with a typical leaf area distribution ranges from 90% at the beginning of the growing season to 80-85% at its end. This allows relatively accurate calculation of the total area in agrotechnical experiments at minimal cost. The leaves of the plant do not receive any impact and continue to grow at the same time.Conclusion. The developed method allows taking into account the area on the same plants repeatedly, at different phases of ontogenesis and in different periods of vegetation.Актуальность. Разработать математическую модель распределения площади листьев на растении огурца. На ее основе, с помощью измерения минимального количества параметров: длины и ширины наибольшего листа и количества листьев на растении возможно определение площади листовой поверхности растения без их удаления с растений. Методы. Для определения фактической площади листьев пользовались двумя методами: весовым и с использованием сканирования изображения листьев в черно-белом режиме. Формулы математических моделей выводили с помощью регрессионного анализа. Результаты: Разработана и практически опробована система массового определения площади листьев у огурцов. Представлена пошаговая инструкция определения площади листа в обоих случаях: весовым методом и в графическом редакторе по файлу его скана. Точность определения площади составляет при этом ±2%. Система включает в себя разработку математической модели распределения площади листьев по растению на момент учетов. Для практического использования полученных формул этой модели достаточно измерения всего лишь трех параметров на каждом растении: 1-количество листьев, 2-длина и 3- ширина наибольшего типичного листа. Предложен критерий типичности на основе соотношения длины и ширины листа. Модель совпадает с фактической площадью листьев у растений с типичным распределением на уровне ±5%. Это позволяет одному звену в 2 человека измерить до 500 растений за рабочий день. Доля растений с типичным распределением площади листьев колеблется от 90% в начале вегетации до 80-85% - в конце ее. Это позволяет относительно точно при минимальных затратах рассчитывать общую площадь в агротехнических опытах. Листья при этом не получают никаких повреждений и продолжают расти. Заключение: Разработанный метод позволяет проводить учет листовой площади на одних и тех же растениях многократно, на разных фазах онтогенеза и в разные периоды вегетации

    Biopreparations as means of treatment of stomatological pathology

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    В оглядовій статті розглянуті питання підвищення ефективності лікування інфекційно-запальних процесів в стоматологічній практиці за допомогою включення в комплексну терапію біопрепаратів. Актуальність даного підходу обумовлена проблемою антибіотикорезистентності мікрофлори і недоліками антибактеріальної терапії. Показана фізіологічна роль ендогенної мікрофлори, відображений механізм взаємовідносин мікрофлори порожнини рота в нормі і при розвитку патологічних процесів. Проаналізовано роль мікроекологічних порушень біоценозу людини в розвитку стоматологічної інфекційної патології. Представлені загальні принципи лікування дисбактеріозів різних ступенів тяжкості, розглянуті основні проблеми використання біопрепаратів в стоматологічній практиці.В обзорной статье рассмотрены вопросы повышения эффективности лечения инфекционно-воспалительных процессов в стоматологической практике с помощью включения в комплексную терапию биопрепаратов. Актуальность данного подхода обусловлена проблемой антибиотикорезистентности микрофлоры и недостатками антибактериальной терапии. Показана физиологическая роль эндогенной микрофлоры, отображен механизм взаимоотношений микрофлоры полости рта в норме и при развитии патологических процессов. Проанализирована роль микроэкологических нарушений биоценоза человека в развитии стоматологической инфекционной патологии. Представлены общие принципы лечения дисбактериозов разных степеней тяжести, рассмотрены основные проблемы использования биопрепаратов в стоматологической практике.The article is sanctified to the questions of increasing of efficiency of infectious-inflammatory processes treatment by means of biotherapeutic preparations in stomatological practice. Actuality of improvement of infectious pathology treatment is conditioned by microflora antibioticoresistance and by other lacks of antibacterial therapy. The physiological role of endogenous microflora is appraised in support and proceeding in the human health. The mechanisms of mutual relations of the oral cavity microflora are represented in the norm and at development of pathological process. The role of microecological violations of the human biocenosis is analysed in development of infectious pathology. The dates about the value of the broken microbiocenosis of the oral cavity as a main factor of development of inflammatory processes were cited. Classification of biotherapeutic preparations (probiotics, prebiotics, sinbiotics) are offered, their physiological effects and the basic requirements are considered to application in stomatological practice. General principles of treatment of dysbacteriosiss of different degrees and value in this process of simultaneous system influence on all links of human microbiocenosiss are represented. Clinical experience of application of biotherapeutic preparations in stomatological practice is analyzed. The actuality of their using in the complex curative measures of the infectious-inflammatory diseases (periodontitis, red flat lichen, phlegmon, others) is found out. The basic problems of the using of biopreparations that interfere with effective realization of therapy and principles of their warning are considered

    ProDoc: An electronic patient record to foster processoriented practices

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    Abstract. The paper presents PRODOC, an Electronic Document System that allows users to navigate documental artifacts according to predefined process maps. In fact in PRODOC, process models are to be considered as maps that users willingly take as guide for their decisions and actions, rather than scripts prescribed from above. The main tenet of this research is that, by integrating documents and processes, documental practices and related work practices could better align to intended models of action. The underlying concept is the result of a long empirical research in the healthcare domain, where we have deployed PRODOC as an innovative and process-oriented Electronic Patient Record. The user participation in the phase of document definition and clinical processes modeling is central in our approach and it is illustrated in three scenarios of the software informal validation that we present in this paper. 1 Health records: a challenging domain The healthcare domain is the marketing target of many vendors that propose systems of various kinds to support different phases or activities of the healthcare process. Some of these systems receive a good acceptance since they mainly deal with administrativ